90% of Americans Do NOT Support Universal Background Checks – HR 8


HR 8 Universal Background Checks

On Wednesday, California House Representative Mike Thompson claimed that 90 percent of Americans Support the universal background check gun control bill HR 8.

I’m here to tell you today that this is not true. The Anti-Gun Lobby has been making this lie up for years.

They’ve been saying this for so long I did a video about it in 2012.

If 90% of Americans supported universal background checks we wouldn’t still be having this conversation in 2021.

The 90% of Americans Support universal background checks line is a shaming shamming tactic designed to artificially manufacture groupthink.

They say it so that you feel guilty if you don’t agree, because if 90% of Americans support it then something must be wrong with you if you don’t.

The Anti-Gun Lobby and their “bought and paid for” politicians tried to pass universal background checks in 2013 using the same tired lie of a line that 90% of Americans support universal background checks, but the bill didn’t pass.

A week after the bill failed a Gallup poll found that only 65% of Americans thought the Senate should have passed a bill to “Expand Background checks for gun purchases.” I’m not a math genius, but that ain’t 95%.

This is what they do, a bunch of little power-hungry weirdos put together these misleading little studies not to find an answer, but to manufacture the answer they want, so they can create a false authority and use it to manipulate you.

Universal Background checks are stupid because there’s no way to enforce them without a national database with every gun sold, which would be the very definition of a national gun registry.

I assure you that if you asked Americans if they were ok with the government having a national database with all of their information and all the guns they own they wouldn’t get the support of 90%.

Yet, the only way to enforce a universal background check is to have a national gun registry, but they know they can’t ask that question and get the support they want.

So instead they ask a vague milk-toast question like, “Do you Support Background Checks” knowing damn well very few people are going to say no to that sophomoric question on the surface, but if you explain to them what you’d need to enforce it, they’d say hell no!

They’re going to vote on this silly HR 8 bill in the House very soon, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the time you watched this it’s already passed in the House.

Our best chance at stopping this bill is in the Senate because the most powerful tool we have to fight this bill is the filibuster and ironically, our biggest ally to protect the filibuster is a democrat and his name is Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Joe Manchin is a moderate Democrat, which means he doesn’t blindly placate the extremist in his party.

In order to get rid of the filibuster, there has to be 51 votes. Right now the Senate is split 50/50 between democrats and republicans giving Kamala Harris the deciding vote.

But none of that matters if Manchin doesn’t vote along party lines. He has a history of being an independent thinker so this is very possible.

On top of this, Manchin prides himself on being a politician of his constitutes.

I say all that to say this- anyone watching this video needs to write, call, email, smoke signal, slide in DMs, or whatever way you choose to communicate, and politely let Joe Manchin know why he should not vote to get rid of the filibuster.

HERE is his contact information:


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Time Stamps
00:00 90% of Americans Do NOT Support Universal Background Checks
00:11 Anti Gun Lobbyist Claim 90% of Americans Support Universal Background Check
00:45 Problem with Universal Background Check Survey
2:40 Failed Universal Background Attempt 2013
4:09 How To Stop HR 8 Bill
5:20 How To Support Pro 2A Content

