Today is another video dealing in sciencey stuff specifically accuracy change and poi shift. gun science is very interesting and this topic does not disappoint regardless of if you are doing long range, precision rifles, firearm training, or just target shooting, point of aim & point of impact are something we need to be able to understand learn how to correct for not only to enhance skill but also to further 2A principles and promote firearm safety.
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00:00 Intro
01:47 Hitting things
02:35 Harmonics
04:09 Chaos
09:14 Dwell Time
09:55 Alignment and Bore Match
12:09 References
13:28 Discussion of Why
The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a media production company, and VSOrdnance LLC, a research and development/ Testing Evaluation “contract lab”. VSO is not in the business of selling or promoting the sale of firearms. Nothing VSO publishes should be misconstrued to support the sale of Firearms, components, or accessories. The VSO Gun Channel serves as a common sense, educational resource promoting responsible gun ownership and safety particularly for young minds otherwise negatively influenced by a fundamental breakdown of our society.
Unless otherwise stated, the subject matter of this video was provided by the manufacturer or another third party at no cost to us. In doing so, VSO reserves all creative rights, including the right to publish negative aspects it deems relevant to the representation of the product and its continuous improvement. VSO Gun Channel only publishes objective content related directly to tests performed by its personnel. While in-depth test results may be shared directly with manufacturers prior to official release, they must agree NOT to: impede VSO’s work, attempt to undermine or alter our results, impugn or undermine our integrity, and must forfeit any expectation of being involved in the process. To be clear to our viewers, VSOrdnance LLC provides testing, evaluation, research, and product development consulting services to clients, for which it is compensated. It is solely at VSO’s discretion whether or not to turn footage over to VSO Gun Channel for the publishing video derived from such tests and experience with these products. These are separate-No party may buy our opinion & No party may buy access to our audience even if it is their ulterior motive to do so by contracting the testing.
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